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Lyme Regis

Stonehenge and Salisbury

No jet lag was allowed, as we all arrived early Sunday morning, jumped straight into the bus, and headed to the Salisbury Plain. Our first stop was at Stonehenge, which was cold and windy but with a great guided tour (and the best pasties I had all trip, incidentally - good thing I got to have them twice!). We then got to tour the spectacular Salisbury Cathedral, with the tallest spire in England, and with pillars containing myriad fossils, noticed, to the great delight of the docent, by Randy Skinner during the alumni visit. This cathedral also contained a medieval clock, a reflecting pool, lots of beautiful stained glass, and the Magna Carta, which was only open for the alumni. Lyme Regis, on the southern Dorset Coast, was one of my favorite places of the trip. It was wonderful to be out on the coast, walking the Jurassic shale cliffs, finding a surprising number of ammonites, and trying to imagine where the next plesiosaur is going to come out. Sitting on the wall eating fish and chips in the sun was bliss. We also loved staying in the small and scenic Beer, with its own white chalk cliffs.


Heathrow Airport to Lyme Regis.
In Lyme Regis and Beer.

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Please credit Jani Radebaugh for all pics, thank you!