Grand Canyon
Tanner to New Hance 2010
In true Dave O'Brien fashion, we cranked it up a notch for this year's canyon hike. We went down the Tanner Trail, which was previously arguably the toughest trail we'd taken into or out of the canyon, and then followed that up with a western traverse of the Escalante Route (not well blazed enough to be called a trail) and a hike out of the New Hance Trail, which a park review called "not really a trail". Although we were never in any danger of getting seriously lost, we did push ourselves more than during other hikes in the past. There were ledges to portage packs up, giant rock slides to shimmy down, and finally 4,500 feet to ascend in just six miles. We got snowed on, hailed on, snow pelleted ("snail?"), and even baked. Nothing came easy on this trip. And we wouldn't have had it any other way - it was spectacular. See Dave's pics here.
The pictures are all sorted by trip segment, and are mostly chronological. If you'd like the short tour, head straight for FAVORITES, which also contains a MAP and PROFILE.