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Escalante Route

Day 2

It's hard to believe it's the same canyon as the blustery, cold one from yesterday. We had a nice, 8 mile meander along the Escalante Route during this day. Most of the time we were in view of the river, and got some incredible vistas. Some of the trail was a bit challenging, and I'm amazed to see how much elevation we gained (and then lost again). We camped where Escalante Creek meets the Colorado. We hit the wildflowers at just the right week. A blaze of red, yellow, pink, and blue were set in front of the vermilion shales of the Grand Canyon Supergroup.

We saw a private rafting trip of just three small rafts go through the Escalante rapids, which they said was about a five on a scale of one to ten for rapids in the canyon. Rafting video!

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Please credit Jani Radebaugh for all pictures, thank you!