India's Himalayas
BYU Hamblin Global Geology trip Aug 2009
A group of 30 Brigham Young University Department of Geological Sciences students, alumni, faculty, and local experts got the unique opportunity to investigate the best of India's Himalayan geology. We shared long bus rides, camping in the monsoon, hiking to high glaciers, driving over one of the world's highest passes, and river rafting the Indus river and tributaries, and were rewarded with absolutely fantastic geological experiences. Structural geology was the main topic for the trip, but was nearly equaled by the metamorphic geology, geochemistry, and geomorphology we observed. Equally rewarding were our cultural experiences in the world's second most populous country. All of us observed and lived a different lifestyle for a few short weeks, and met many people we won't forget. Everyone came away with a much deeper and broader understanding of the world's fastest growing country, both in geology and humanity. Pictures are sorted by trip segment; check the first set for my FAVORITES. Namaste!

Also see beautiful pics from Eric Parks HERE, including a nice group picture at CHANG LA
Rishikesh and Haridwar
Ganges Gorge
Auli and Badrinath
Indus Gorge
Shyok Valley